- Dreaming about coconut pancakes is a sure sign that you are supposed to wake up and make them. Breakfast this morning:
- Banana Coconut Pancakes
- turkey bacon (these is super bad for you if you ask me but I love it and we have a crap ton of it left over (frozen) from when we had company)
- hard boiled egg (ran out of eggs on Thursday or something hence the banana substitute for the following coconut pancake recipe!)
Protein, Fats, Carbs (PFC): Pancakes are basically all fat with 4 blocks (~35g) of carbs spread throughout from the bananas. I included 4 pieces of turkey bacon (>1P) and 1 hard boiled egg (1P)
PFC=2+P, ?!?!F, 4C (divvy up total depending on number of pancakes)
- The inspiration: Mark's Daily Apple
- Ingredients:
- 2 bananas
generous 1/2c of almond meal, (or) walnut meal works really well here too( i just pour almonds into my vita-mix and make my own pulverized nut meal)
1c shredded coconut, unsweetened, unsulphured (I got mine at My Organic Market, MOM. Its over in Arlington by Dairy Godmother, but we don't know anything about that place, do we ;))
1/2 can coconut milk (Organic Native Forest)
1/2tsp sea salt (Costco sea salt)
1/2tsp baking powder
1/2tsp cinnamon (to taste)
1/2 tsp pure vanilla, optional (to taste) (Costco)
- 1/2 tsp organic coconut extract (found at MOM's)
Ok, guys you are going to have to be gentle, patient and forgiving with these fragile, sticky pancakes. You will be smart to use oil liberally between rounds so that the cakes don't stick to the pan...but don't flip to soon cause then you'll have pieces everywhere and be really annoyed. Guys, think about hamburgers on the grill...you have to wait and only flip once, right?
Without eggs, the cakes are super dense but we liked them like that. Let me know what you think. I'll do them with eggs at some point and post. For now, try these out.
Heat skillet first with coconut oil or almond oil is yummy too (several drips should do it)
Drop batter onto skillet for 4 inch pancakes because they are easier to flip at this size.
Wait 3-4 minutes and then check to see if they are ready to be flipped.
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