09 January, 2010
Mini Meatloaves
Celiac Disease??
Beans, beans the magical fruit. The more you eat...
(1) http://www.soyonlineservice.co.nz
(2) http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2009/03/margarine-and-phytosterolemia.html
Soy is a legume that in my opinion is unfit for human consumption.
Soy contains antinutrients and phytoestrogens that affect thyroid function and you don't need it.
Soy protein is just another industrial artificial food product pushed on us by big Agriculture.
It is no substitute for far superior animal protein.
Fermented soy products (miso, natto, soy sauce) are acceptable as a condiment.
Mark Sisson wrote a posting titled Scrutinizing Soy where he basically comes away undecided about the real harmful effects of soy if eaten in whole qualities vs. processed. He eats edamame from time to time but stays away from soy protein as a general rule...read the post.
No egg Banana Coconut pancakes
- Dreaming about coconut pancakes is a sure sign that you are supposed to wake up and make them. Breakfast this morning:
- Banana Coconut Pancakes
- turkey bacon (these is super bad for you if you ask me but I love it and we have a crap ton of it left over (frozen) from when we had company)
- hard boiled egg (ran out of eggs on Thursday or something hence the banana substitute for the following coconut pancake recipe!)
- The inspiration: Mark's Daily Apple
- Ingredients:
- 2 bananas
generous 1/2c of almond meal, (or) walnut meal works really well here too( i just pour almonds into my vita-mix and make my own pulverized nut meal)
1c shredded coconut, unsweetened, unsulphured (I got mine at My Organic Market, MOM. Its over in Arlington by Dairy Godmother, but we don't know anything about that place, do we ;))
1/2 can coconut milk (Organic Native Forest)
1/2tsp sea salt (Costco sea salt)
1/2tsp baking powder
1/2tsp cinnamon (to taste)
1/2 tsp pure vanilla, optional (to taste) (Costco)
- 1/2 tsp organic coconut extract (found at MOM's)
08 January, 2010
Ohhhhh Honey? We've got Questions!!
It is also just as metabolically poisonous to eat pounds of raw honey as an equicaloric amount of mountain dew or coke classic. It will have exactly the same effect on your insulin sensitivity, your liver and your weight."
Mark's Daily Apple, in passing, mentions that honey is basically pure sugar. The link is for a page on his blog including great snack recipes!
So the takeaway? Well, honey was "hunted" by cavemen but on a very limited seasonal basis...its extremely high in fructose and when used in baked goods actually should be substituted in less quantities than real sugar (that potent). But when you are making 50 bite-sized brownies who keeps track of trace amounts of honey anyway, right ;)
05 January, 2010
Root Vegetable Pancakes
Ever heard of potato pancakes?
Well, I was craving that texture but with something more flavorful than a dumb white potato (not encouraged on paleo anyway)
potato texture+carrot flavor=PARSNIP
oh and I found this really weird thing called a celery root and had to include it in my creation...this is what happened. BTW, this is a pretty good arm workout from all the grating involved! Kept distracted by watching an episode of LOST from my lastest Netflix delivery.
Root Vegetable Pancakes
1/2 celery root peeled, grated
4 parsnips peeled, grated
1/4 purple onion totally minced to a pulp
1 1/2 cups almond meal (poured a bunch of almonds in my vita-mix and let 'er rip- much cheaper than buying it but the cheapest place is Trader Joes)
4 eggs
2 tsp turmeric (these spices are a tad obscure...add whatever spices you have in your cabinet)
2 tsp ground coriander (see comment above)
1/4 cup hot horseradish
couple squirts of hot sauce and sea salt to taste
Mix everything together
Medium Heat use coconut oil and make pancakes like normal (4inch diameter 1/2 inch thick)
Cook for about 5 minutes each side
I used a couple different recipes, here and here, but finally this is what I included:
1 (16 oz) jar of almond butter, creamy and toasted (COSTCO sells huge 26ouncers for 5 bucks and some change! A Steal)
2 eggs
1/2 cup date puree (see my previous post to make your own- COSTCO sells great Mehjool dates) If you don't want to use dates use a full cup of honey instead of the 1/4 cup.
1/4 cup raw honey (I got mine at the commissary for you military folks)
1 TBS vanilla (again...COSTCO sells Madagascar Pure Vanilla which rocks)
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa (any grocery store carries this)
1/2 tsp sea salt (COSTCO also sells a grinder version of this in their spices section for cheap)
1 tsp baking soda
In a large bowl mix ingredients with the cocoa sea salt and baking soda being the last things.
Use coconut oil to grease a 9x13 baking dish
Bake @ 325F for about 20 minutes (I don't know why mine took such a short time to bake- I thought they would take 30-40 minutes...watch them so they don't burn!)
The Challenge...We need all the help we can get
TIP #1 Sleep: Appetite
03 January, 2010
Tomorrow it Begins
Tomorrow is the start of our 30 day Paleo Challenge. If you’re still on the fence at this point, I suggest you jump down off the fence and start Paleo with everyone starting the challenge tomorrow. It is not just CF Bolling doing a Paleo challenge; there are hundreds of CrossFit affiliates across the country starting Paleo challenges tomorrow, including CF Alexandria.
Before we kick off tomorrow, I want to state something. Some of you doing this challenge will not lose a ton of weight. But you will see your body composition change pretty dramatically. This is not a fad diet that is built to have you shed water weight and make you feel better about your progress. This is a diet that if you buy into it completely will fundamentally alter the way you look at food and what it does to your body. I know personally I feel better, I sleep better, and my CrossFit performances have taken huge leaps since I have been on the Paleo diet. Since I started doing Paleo 4 months ago I have taken a minute off my Fran time. I know the Paleo diet is not solely responsible for that, I credit Casey and Rudy's programming as well but I do not think it would have made that big of a jump if not for the Paleo Diet.
So tomorrow is the big day, I hope that you have enjoyed the blog so far. Mac and I have worked hard on getting a lot of information out quickly so everyone can jump on the Paleo bandwagon 4 January. Yuki will be bringing her scale tomorrow so everyone can have a solid starting point.
P.S. We are not doing before and after pictures for the challenge, but I encourage everyone participating to take a picture of themselves (men: shorts no shirt. women: shorts, sports bra) tomorrow so you can have a before and after picture. This is something I wish I would have done.